Damp Proofing Specialist Job Description and Duties:

What Damp Proofing Specialist can help You with:
Damp Proofing specialist must have a good background knowledge of the subject and qualifications are also important - they have to specialise in rising damp, basement waterproofing, woodworm, wet rot and dry rot.
General builders could not always diagnose the damp-proofing problem correctly, therefore, the advantage of choosing a damp specialist to begin with is that they should be able to get to the root of the problem - work out what the issue is in the first place. They can tell you whether it’s rising damp, condensation, penetrative damp, hydrostatic damp or whatever. And then Damp Proofing specialist can treat it accordingly.
During a thorough Damp Proofing specialist survey, a damp specialist will normally take the following steps:
-Inspects the outside of the property, to establish whether a damp course is present and how the building is constructed (for example - does it have solid or cavity walls?) or what kind of a brickwork is present.
- Where are the gutters, external water pipes and external drains?
-Is there any evidence of damage - for example cracked rendering or broken guttering or any signs of water leakage on the outside walls?)
-Discussion with homeowner (if present) to ask about any history of damp problem, and whether any damp prevention work has already been done.
-Inspection of the inside of the property to look for any signs of damp (for example loose wallpaper, peeling paint, water staining or smell of dampness in the premises) Use of moisture meter so an accurate damp diagnosis can be made.
A Damp Proofing specialist is also would make notes and take photographs as part of the inspection to determine correct course of actions for eliminating the damp problem and preventing it to appear in the future.

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